In an effort to make sure our resources are staying with our members, we have created a members only part of the website. We continue to develop the website and its resources and we hope to have everything you are looking for in one spot.

To access the members only side please use the following:

Login: member
Password: MNdsa

We still have room for students and advisors to attend the NASC/NHS Conference in Chicago! Please complete the following form so that I can register participants for the conference. A down payment of $300 is due by December 1st, but the sooner that I get them registered on the NASC/NHS site, the sooner we are guaranteed a spot
for them. The conference is filling up fast, so please do not hesitate to
reach out with any questions!

We were fortunate to have two representatives from United Way attend the Fall Leadership Forum and speak with both the advisors and students.

United Way provided a simulation of ALICE (Asset limited, Income Constrained, Employed) and how our student leaders can help in a variety of ways to support the United Way. School groups were encouraged to contact their local United Way regional representatives and have a conversation about what the greatest needs in your
area are. If you are unsure who to contact, please let me know and
I will find your regional contact. 

Minnesota is in Group 2 of the states that will be allowed to have students run for a position on the National Student Council as a state Representative. I wanted to share this information with all of you in a timely fashion so that we are able to select an individual that is interested in running for this position. To begin the process, I wanted to share the information that has been provided by NASSP so that you can bring this up to your student group. Please forward names of students that are considering applying for this position. Further information can be found here.