New Advisor Workshop

October 2, 2024
Anderson Center, Arden Hills, MN

Advisors of student leadership groups will receive tips, tricks and strategies to navigate the first few years of advisorship.

Click here for more information

Click here to register

October, 12, 2023
Anderson Center, Arden Hills, MN

Advisors of student leadership groups will receive tips, tricks and strategies to navigate the first few years of advisorship.

Click here to register

September 20, 2022

MAHS/MASC New Advisor Workshop
Anderson Center – Arden Hills, MN

This workshop is designed for the student council advisor or the honor advisor with three or less years of experience. This will be a practical approach to the advisorship. Advisors will receive a set of strategies to help navigate through their first few years.

Click here to Register

Click here for Schedule